Tournament Rules

The Shen Ladder Tournament ranks players based on matches over the course of the semester. In contrast to a traditional tournament, a ladder tournament allows players to choose who they're going to challenge. The more skilled the player, the more your rank will rise.

This tournament is Elo-based, but additional systems have been made to ensure players climb the ranks relatively easily.

This tournament will run from Feburary 8, 2017 to May 17, 2017. All ladder matches will take place in the Student Lounge at Leeward Community College every week on Wednesday and Thursday between the times of 10:00 - 12:00 PM and 2:00 - 4:00 PM.

How to Register

The entrance fee for the Ladder is $5.00 and is one-time for the entire semester. There will also be three division-based traditional tournaments, which will have separate entrance fees.

In addition, all registrants for this tournament need to meet the following requirements:

  • Be a registered University of Hawaii student
  • Be a registered member of Club Shenanigans
Having an account on the Club Shenanigans Discord server is also highly recommended if you want the latest updates on your current statistics and rank.

Online Registration Form

How it Works

In a Ladder Tournament, your rank is based off your skill rating, which is a number that represents your skill. Players of similar skill ratings will also be put into divisions which represent your general skill group. Your division could be C, B, A, or S.

While your skill rating and rank will be updated and posted as often as possible, your division will only update once at the beginning of every week.

Your goal during this tournament is to raise your skill level as much as possible by challenging players and winning matches. The rate of which your skill level rises depends on how strong the player you challenge is.

New players will be unranked and will have to play at least three (3) matches for their division to be decided.


  • Players who have been promoted to a higher division at the beginning of the week will be given a Division Card, a physical card that represents their division.
  • Players who show improvement in the form of a rising skill rating will have special recognition on our website and will be given a hand-drawn character icon to use online and on the rankings.
Other prizes are to be announced.

Challenging Players & Scheduling Matches

On each ladder match day (Wednesday and Thursday), every match will be organized in 12 time-slots, 6 being between 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM and the other 6 being between 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. A physical form will be avaliable on these days in which you can schedule your match. The same form will be used to report the results of the match as well.

An example of what the schedule form looks like

The general rule is that you can challenge any player as long as they are of equal or higher division, but there are a few restrictions:

  1. Players may not challenge other players in a division below your own. If you have no division, this rule does not apply. Players who are in a division are allowed to challenge those who aren't.
  2. Players may not challenge the same player multiple times in one day.
  3. Players who already have a match scheduled may not challenge any other players until that match is over.
  4. Players may only challenge up to three (3) times per day. This does not apply to other players challenging you.
  5. Byes (missing scheduled matches) will count as a win by default for the player that is present. If both players are missing, it will be treated as a loss for both players' records.

In-game Rules

Each ladder match should follow traditional tournament match rules. Ladder matches are played in a best of 3 rounds. If the match involves two players in Division S, then it will be played in a best of 5 rounds.

Game Rules:

  • Stock Battle (2 stocks)
  • No Items
  • 6:00 Minute Timer
Legal Stages:
  • Final Destination
  • Battlefield
  • Smashville
  • Town and City
During the first round, only starter stages can be chosen. The Defending Player (the player who was challenged) picks the first stage, and the loser of that round can then pick the stage for the next round, and so on.

Divisional Tournaments

As a compliment to the ladder tournament, Divisional Tournaments will also be hosted throughout the semester. These tournaments will be run like a traditional elimination tournament, except it will be split into high and low brackets based on your division as to give players of all skill levels a chance at winning. NOTE: Players with no division won't be able to enter.

In addition, all matches that take place during a Divisional Tournament will double as ladder matches in the Ladder Tournament with a boost in rating change.